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For some time now on the Homepage of the site there has been a customized search engine. This search tool was created to search all the brotherhood and congregational sties which I have indexed and cataloged here on the Repository. Sadly, for a while this feature was not working correctly. I was using a free service through Google to create and manage this search engine, but I decided to look into other options.
I am happy to announce that some friends have helped me find a paid version which will perform much more effectively than the previous iteration. I am excited to share this feature with you and hope that you will find it helpful! I decided to leave out congregational Facebook pages as well as a few other sites that would not contain many resources. This feature is an added expense to the cost of running the site, so I sincerely hope that others find it useful. Try it out using the search bar on the Homepage: The Christian Repository - Home Comments are closed.
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